Home Scene
Main Camera: Main scene camera.
Last updated
Main Camera: Main scene camera.
Last updated
CameraRanking: Camera showing the characters spawned from the ranking selected in the ranking menu.
Rotate Character: Component that makes the selected character spin and do a flapping animation when clicked.
UI Main Menu: Component responsible for the main UI elements.
UI Character Menu: Component responsible for the main UI elements in the Characters menu, containing CharacterEntry that is created for each character unlocked on the account, prefabs for UI elements of skills, upgrades and stats.
UI Profile Menu: UI Components, UI Prefabs, and Nickname Change Settings.
UI Shop Menu: Component that has the Shop menu UI elements, UI prefabs and shop settings.
Shop Items: List of scriptable ShopItems that will populate the store menus.
UI Shop Menu/Category: category of items that will be initially filtered when opening shop.
UI Shop IAP: Component that holds the UI elements of the IAP store menu.
UI Maps Menu: Component that has prefabs and map menu UI configuration.
UI Quests Menu: Component that has prefabs and quest menu UI configuration and configuration to hide completed quests.
UI BattlePass: Component that contains Battle Pass menu UI prefabs and configuration, and a list of BattlePass Items scriptables.
UI Ranking Menu: Component that contains UI elements, UI prefabs .