EventMap/Reward map(Preview)
This page is only for version 1.2.0, in later versions this will already be implemented and documented in their respective pages.
step by step: 1- drag and drop the RewardManagerPopup prefab located in Addons/RewardPopup into the Login scene 2-drag and drop the UIRewardManagerPopup prefab located in Addons/RewardPopup into the Home scene
(Do not add buttons to open this menu, as it opens automatically when there are rewards for completed maps.)
3-In the Home scene, in the UIMapsMenu menu, add a new MapEntry prefab for the MapEventEntry and a new container (Scroll view for example), this new container can be just a duplicate object of the ScrollView of the default MapEntry 4-Add to the MapEntry and EventMapEntry prefabs the image reference for the icon, the text for the amount of coins, and the common map objects and maps that are needed for the coin to be accessed (The EventMapEntry prefab in this addon's folder will serve as an example)
5-Add an EventMaps collection to firebastore and adjust the rules so that this collection can be read only.
Event Map Entry Prefab: MapEntry prefab for event maps
Event Map Container: Container for MapEntry prefabs for event maps
Always Show Event Map: By leaving this box checked, the system will not check whether an event is active or not and will show all of them to the player.
Reward Settings: Select the rewards that will be given to the player upon completing this map for the first time.
Is Need Currency: Check this option if you want the scene to only be accessible using a ticket (Currency), it can be used in normal maps for Boss Map and in events that require a ticket for access.
Is Event Map: Check this option if it is an event map, it will only be visible if in Firebase the EventMaps collection has a document with the same name as EventIDName and the bool field active: true, otherwise it will not appear, unless the Always Show Event Map option is activated in the UIMapsMenu.
To add a new event map in Firebase, go to the EventMaps collection, create a document with the exact same name as the EventIDName of your map, for example "halloween", in this document add a boolean field with the name active and the value false.
When you set the active field of a document to true, when the player opens the UIMapsMenu the map will be there to play.
Last updated