Create New Monster wave
To create a Wave no scriptable is needed, just select the GameplayManager
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To create a Wave no scriptable is needed, just select the GameplayManager
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Remember that this item must be added to the GameplayManager within each scene.
Win Condition: Select the game type -Survival time: Win the match if you survive until time runs out. -Kill Boss: Win the match when the boss spawns after a selected wave and you eliminate him (time does not count in this game mode). -Survival Time + Kill Boss: Win the match if you survive until time runs out and eliminate the boss that will appear after time runs out.
BossPrefab: Final boss prefab with isFinalBoss box marked.
Survival Time: Survival time of this map.
Waves: Each wave can be configured to spawn multiple types of mobs and for a specific duration.
Wave Duration: duration that this wave will spawn the configured mobs.
Spawn Boss After Wave: For "Kill Boss" game type check this box when you want the Boss to spawn after this wave.
Monsters: Add and configure each monster that this wave will spawn
Monster Prefab: Add Monster Prefab.
Spawn Interval: time between one spawn and another of the same monster.
Gold per Monster: Gold that the monster will drop or automatically apply to the player
Xp per Monster: Experience that the monster will drop or automatically apply to the player.