Create New Skill
To create a SkillData, right-click inside any project folder, go to create and select Skill Data.
Last updated
To create a SkillData, right-click inside any project folder, go to create and select Skill Data.
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Icon: Skill icon.
Icon Evolved: Skill icon when reaching maximum level.
Frame Evolved: Skill frame in the options menu when it is the card for the maximum level of this skill.
Skill Name: Name of the skill that appears in menus.
Skill Description: Description of the skill that appears in the menus.
DamageType: Damage element of this skill (will define whether the damage will increase, reduce or be neutral on the enemy hit).
Delay to Launch: Time before casting a skill, use this to delay the skill casting to match the animation.
Cooldown: Skill cooldown.
isLifestealSkill: Check this box if you want the skill to apply HP drain to enemies.
DamageEntityPrefab : Add the default DamageEntity prefab for this skill.
EvolvedDamageEntityPrefab: Add the DamageEntity prefab for when this skill reaches max level (both skill prefabs are required, even if they are the same).
IsMultiShot: Check this box if you want the skill to drop multiple DamageEntities.
Shots: Amount of skill shots (only if isMultiShot is checked).
Angle: change the angle between one shot and another, leave it at 0 (zero) if you want them all to go in the same direction.
Delay: Delay between one shot and another, leave it at 0 (zero) and it will fire all the shots at once.
Evolve Changes: Check this box if you want to change the multi-shot settings when evolving.
Shots Evolved: Number of shots the skill will fire when at max level.
Angle Evolved: Angle between shots when this skill is at maximum level.
Delay Evolved: Delay between shots when skill is at max level.
IsOrbital: Check this box if you want the ability to orbit the player until their LifeTime runs out. This works with multiShots, but the angle does not affect the ability as it will attempt to form a 360 degree circle with the orbs.
Orbital Distance: Distance at which DamageEntities orbit the player.
is Dash Skill: Check this box if you want to set the skill to dash, it works well for melee and ranged, basic attacks cannot use dash as they always target the closest target.
is Shield: Check this box if you want the character to gain a shield when using the skill, set the amount of shield the character gains and the duration of this shield.
is Melee: Spawn the DamageEntity inside the character making it become your son and follow you, for better benefits leave the speed at 0 (zero) in skillsLevels making it 100% melee, this skill works well with dash and KnockBacks.
Rotate to Enemy: Check this box if you want the character's 3D model to rotate in the direction of the joystick and return to its original position over time. In Auto Attack skills it will rotate in the direction of the nearest target.
ApplySlow: check the box if you want the skill to slow enemies, set the percentage and duration of the slow.
ApplyKnockback: check the box if you want the skill to push enemies, set the distance and time of the Knockback.
ApplyStun: check the box if you want the skill to stun enemies, set the stun time.
Apply Dot(damage over time): check the box if you want the skill to deal a certain amount of damage over a period of time, set the total damage and the period This is extra damage on top of the skill's Base Damage.
Skill Levels: Skill setup for each level.
MaxLevel: Max level of this skill (recommended level 5, otherwise you will need to edit the UIGameplay).
Requiere Stat for Evolve: Select a StatPerk that the player must have chosen to be able to evolve a skill, if he does not have that StatPerk at least lv1 the card to take that skill to levelMax will not appear.
Skill Levels
Base Damage : Base damage this skill deals before elemental reductions or increases.
Attacker Damage Rate: Percentage of the character's damage that increases the base damage. Example: 0.5 will add half of the base damage of the CharacterData to the skill 1 will add 100% of the base damage of the CharacterData to the skill Use this so that the same skill can be reused on other characters with different damage.
CanCauseCriticalDamage: If a skill can deal critical damage.
Speed: Speed ββthat the DamageEntity of this skill will have.
LifeTime: Damage Entity duration time.
isEvolved: Check this box only at the level that will be the maximum and will make the skill evolve.