Creating a new scene
Step by step to create a new map (scene)
Last updated
Step by step to create a new map (scene)
Last updated
Preferably duplicate an existing scene and edit it to make it easier, but it is also possible to create one completely from scratch with a few components.
Create your map with obstacles and everything, add the NavMeshSurface component and Bake it, configuring it as you prefer . The NavMeshSurface is essential for the functioning of Mobs and Bosses as they use NavMeshAgent to move around.
Change or add the UI Input System component from the Unity Engine New Input System package to a new object if it is not configured . This is essential for UI commands and clicks to work on this map.
Add the UIGameplay Prefab that is already ready inside the BulletHellTemplate/Resources/UI folder and just drag it to the Hierarchy window. This is essential so that the map has the UI with the joysticks and battle buttons, as this is not automatically instantiated like the player.
Create one or more objects with the SpawnPoints component, place them in strategic locations on the map where you want mobs or bosses to spawn, and the system will randomly choose one of them to spawn. Add Layer Wall on walls that you want spawning to ignore, to prevent mobs from spawning on or inside walls, and also add NavMeshObstacle on walls that don't adjust the navmesh to ignore them.
Add the GameplayManager component to an object and configure the match types, waves and bosses, match time, XP for each level, max stats and perks the player can choose (changing this may require changing the UIGameplay to receive the new stats, abilities and perks), add your SpawnPoints and configure the match time for Survival and Survival + Kill boss game cases.
Add the TopDownCameraController component to the scene's mainCamera and configure it.
Optional: You can add the BoxSpawner component to an object and configure the spawn radius and the BoxEntity that you want this manager to drop. You need to configure the boxes and create the BoxEntity prefabs with the power up and gold exp drops as desired. There are already BoxEntity prefabs created as an example in the Resources/Box folder.
See scenes Map1, Map2, and Map3 as examples to set up waves, spawns, and everything else in your scene.
You can use an automatic XP table generation tool: Inside the current map Select Tools in Unity Engine Select XP Progression Generator Set starting and ending XP and amount of levels