Create New ShopItem
To create a ShopItem, right-click inside any project folder, go to create and select Shop/Item.
Last updated
To create a ShopItem, right-click inside any project folder, go to create and select Shop/Item.
Last updated
Remember that this item has to be added to the UIShopMenu in the Home Scene.
Item Id: ShopItem Unique ID.
Item Title: Title of the Shopitem that appears in menus.
Item Description: Description of the item that appears in the menu.
Price: Price of the item or package.
Currency: Currency required to purchase the item.
Item Icon: ShopItem or package icon that will appear in the menu.
Category: Category to filter similar items.
IsCurrencyPackage: Check this box for items that only give gold and are not removed from the store after purchase.
CurrencyReward: Configure the Currency that the player will receive when purchasing this item, remember to check the IsCurrencyPackage box and do not add other items to this ShopItem, that is, leave the item exclusively to deliver Currencies.
Icons: List of icons that the player will receive when purchasing this Shopitem.
Frames: List of Frame that the player will receive when purchasing this Shopitem.
CharacterData: List of character that the player will unlock when purchasing this Shopitem.
ShopItems: add all Shoptems that appear in the Shop menu.
Buy Popup: Popup that will appear when clicking on an item to confirm the purchase.
Shop Entry Prefab: Prefab that the menu will create for each ShopItem added.
Container Shop Items: Location that will instantiate ShopEntry prefabs.
Error Message: Text that displays store error messages, such as insufficient currency and others.
Category: Category of items that will be filtered when opening the store.